Here is a list of verbs that start with PO.
poach, poaches, pocketed, poetizing, point
pointed, pointing, points, poised, poison
poisoned, poisoning, poke, poked, pokes
poking, polarize, polarized, polarizing, policed
policing, poling, polish, polished, polishing
polled, polling, polluted, pomaded, ponder
pondered, pondering, pontificates, pooched, pool
pooled, pooling, pop, popped, popping
pops, populate, populated, pored, poring
portended, portray, portrayed, portraying, portrays
pose, posed, poses, posing, position
positioned, possess, possessed, possesses, possessing
post, posted, postpone, postponed, postponing
postulate, postulated, potted, potting, pound
pounded, pounding, pour, poured, pouring
pours, pouted, powdered, power, powered
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