Here is a list of verbs that start with PA.
pace, paced, pacifies, pacify, pacing
pack, package, packaged, packaging, packed
packing, pad, padded, padding, paddle
padlocked, page, paginated, paid, paide
paie, pained, paint, painted, painting
paints, paired, paled, paling, pall
palletized, palmed, pamper, pampered, pan
paneled, panelized, panic, panicked, panted
panting, pantomimed, paper, parade, paraded
parades, parading, parallel, paralleled, paralleling
parallels, paralyze, paralyzed, paralyzes, paraphrasing
parboiled, parceled, parched, pardon, pardoned
pare, park, parked, parking, parlayed
parley, parodied, parried, parroting, part
partake, partakes, partaking, parted, participate
participated, participates, participating, parting, partnered
partook, party, pass, passed, passes
passing, paste, pasted, pasting, pat
patched, patented, patrol, patrolled, patrolling
patronize, patronized, patronizing, patted, pattered
pattern, patterned, patting, pause, paused
pauses, pausing, pave, paved, paving
paw, pawing, pay, paying, pays
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