The most frequently used verbs starting with the letter S in English are listed on this page. The top 10 and top 100 S verb lists are arranged below both from most to least common and also alphabetically.
Top 10 by frequency
- said
- should
- see
- say
- shall
- seen
- set
- saw
- seemed
- says
Top 10 in alphabetical order
- said
- saw
- say
- says
- see
- seemed
- seen
- set
- shall
- should
Top 99 by frequency
- said
- should
- see
- say
- shall
- seen
- set
- saw
- seemed
- says
- seems
- show
- shown
- sent
- stood
- seem
- speak
- started
- sat
- saying
- shows
- stand
- spoke
- showed
- standing
- stay
- spent
- start
- stopped
- stop
- serve
- suggested
- send
- suppose
- support
- save
- seeing
- served
- supposed
- speaking
- sitting
- stated
- seek
- suggest
- sit
- sought
- suggests
- sold
- showing
- smiled
- struck
- selected
- supported
- spread
- share
- shook
- spend
- studied
- settled
- spoken
- sell
- suffered
- stands
- sleep
- shared
- saved
- surprised
- setting
- seeking
- shut
- starting
- sees
- shot
- suffer
- succeeded
- secure
- satisfied
- stepped
- study
- signed
- separated
- surrounded
- select
- stayed
- surrounding
- specified
- stared
- suffering
- speaks
- smiling
- stored
- sharing
- seized
- sending
- supporting
- supplied
- sing
- secured
- shouted
Top 99 in alphabetical order
- said
- sat
- satisfied
- save
- saved
- saw
- say
- saying
- says
- secure
- secured
- see
- seeing
- seek
- seeking
- seem
- seemed
- seems
- seen
- sees
- seized
- select
- selected
- sell
- send
- sending
- sent
- separated
- serve
- served
- set
- setting
- settled
- shall
- share
- shared
- sharing
- shook
- shot
- should
- shouted
- show
- showed
- showing
- shown
- shows
- shut
- signed
- sing
- sit
- sitting
- sleep
- smiled
- smiling
- sold
- sought
- speak
- speaking
- speaks
- specified
- spend
- spent
- spoke
- spoken
- spread
- stand
- standing
- stands
- stared
- start
- started
- starting
- stated
- stay
- stayed
- stepped
- stood
- stop
- stopped
- stored
- struck
- studied
- study
- succeeded
- suffer
- suffered
- suffering
- suggest
- suggested
- suggests
- supplied
- support
- supported
- supporting
- suppose
- supposed
- surprised
- surrounded
- surrounding
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