The most frequently used verbs starting with the letter H in English are listed on this page. The top 10 and top 100 H verb lists are arranged below both from most to least common and also alphabetically.
Top 10 by frequency
- had
- have
- has
- having
- heard
- help
- held
- hear
- hold
- happened
Top 10 in alphabetical order
- had
- happened
- has
- have
- having
- hear
- heard
- held
- help
- hold
Top 100 by frequency
- had
- have
- has
- having
- heard
- help
- held
- hear
- hold
- happened
- hope
- holding
- happen
- helped
- hit
- happens
- hoped
- hurt
- hung
- holds
- helps
- helping
- hath
- handed
- headed
- hearing
- hanging
- hide
- handle
- hidden
- hate
- happening
- hoping
- hang
- hated
- hurried
- heading
- hired
- hesitated
- hiding
- handled
- hunting
- handling
- hid
- hand
- hire
- hesitate
- heated
- hastened
- highlighted
- hears
- heal
- highlight
- hast
- halted
- hitherto
- heed
- head
- hunt
- hitting
- honor
- hare
- harm
- hiring
- healed
- hinder
- hurry
- honored
- highlights
- haunted
- housed
- hanged
- hangs
- hunted
- hailed
- hugged
- hauled
- handing
- hasten
- hinted
- hurled
- healing
- hopes
- hurrying
- hurts
- hurting
- hardened
- hates
- honoured
- hooked
- hovering
- heightened
- heating
- huddled
- heat
- honour
- hits
- hindered
- hosted
- halt
Top 100 in alphabetical order
- had
- hailed
- halt
- halted
- hand
- handed
- handing
- handle
- handled
- handling
- hang
- hanged
- hanging
- hangs
- happen
- happened
- happening
- happens
- hardened
- hare
- harm
- has
- hast
- hasten
- hastened
- hate
- hated
- hates
- hath
- hauled
- haunted
- have
- having
- head
- headed
- heading
- heal
- healed
- healing
- hear
- heard
- hearing
- hears
- heat
- heated
- heating
- heed
- heightened
- held
- help
- helped
- helping
- helps
- hesitate
- hesitated
- hid
- hidden
- hide
- hiding
- highlight
- highlighted
- highlights
- hinder
- hindered
- hinted
- hire
- hired
- hiring
- hit
- hitherto
- hits
- hitting
- hold
- holding
- holds
- honor
- honored
- honour
- honoured
- hooked
- hope
- hoped
- hopes
- hoping
- hosted
- housed
- hovering
- huddled
- hugged
- hung
- hunt
- hunted
- hunting
- hurled
- hurried
- hurry
- hurrying
- hurt
- hurting
- hurts
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