Most common verbs starting with C

The most frequently used verbs starting with the letter C in English are listed on this page. The top 10 and top 100 C verb lists are arranged below both from most to least common and also alphabetically.

Top 10 by frequency

  1. can
  2. could
  3. come
  4. came
  5. called
  6. considered
  7. call
  8. coming
  9. continued
  10. comes

Top 10 in alphabetical order

  1. call
  2. called
  3. came
  4. can
  5. come
  6. comes
  7. coming
  8. considered
  9. continued
  10. could

Top 100 by frequency

  1. can
  2. could
  3. come
  4. came
  5. called
  6. considered
  7. call
  8. coming
  9. continued
  10. comes
  11. carried
  12. consider
  13. change
  14. create
  15. created
  16. cut
  17. changed
  18. continue
  19. caused
  20. carry
  21. covered
  22. cried
  23. compared
  24. caught
  25. choose
  26. cause
  27. concerned
  28. contains
  29. closed
  30. connected
  31. concerning
  32. contain
  33. care
  34. chosen
  35. contained
  36. creating
  37. changing
  38. carrying
  39. conducted
  40. completed
  41. containing
  42. committed
  43. combined
  44. consists
  45. cast
  46. calling
  47. calls
  48. composed
  49. claimed
  50. control
  51. cover
  52. collected
  53. charged
  54. continues
  55. concluded
  56. check
  57. considering
  58. crossed
  59. catch
  60. constructed
  61. calculated
  62. claim
  63. contribute
  64. chose
  65. characterized
  66. confirmed
  67. captured
  68. cited
  69. compare
  70. causes
  71. causing
  72. constitute
  73. contributed
  74. controlled
  75. convinced
  76. cost
  77. creates
  78. compelled
  79. ceased
  80. click
  81. continuing
  82. confined
  83. cutting
  84. communicate
  85. cross
  86. close
  87. conclude
  88. construct
  89. covering
  90. commanded
  91. crying
  92. complete
  93. checked
  94. converted
  95. collect
  96. conceived
  97. consisting
  98. count
  99. consisted
  100. cleared

Top 100 in alphabetical order

  1. calculated
  2. call
  3. called
  4. calling
  5. calls
  6. came
  7. can
  8. captured
  9. care
  10. carried
  11. carry
  12. carrying
  13. cast
  14. catch
  15. caught
  16. cause
  17. caused
  18. causes
  19. causing
  20. ceased
  21. change
  22. changed
  23. changing
  24. characterized
  25. charged
  26. check
  27. checked
  28. choose
  29. chose
  30. chosen
  31. cited
  32. claim
  33. claimed
  34. cleared
  35. click
  36. close
  37. closed
  38. collect
  39. collected
  40. combined
  41. come
  42. comes
  43. coming
  44. commanded
  45. committed
  46. communicate
  47. compare
  48. compared
  49. compelled
  50. complete
  51. completed
  52. composed
  53. conceived
  54. concerned
  55. concerning
  56. conclude
  57. concluded
  58. conducted
  59. confined
  60. confirmed
  61. connected
  62. consider
  63. considered
  64. considering
  65. consisted
  66. consisting
  67. consists
  68. constitute
  69. construct
  70. constructed
  71. contain
  72. contained
  73. containing
  74. contains
  75. continue
  76. continued
  77. continues
  78. continuing
  79. contribute
  80. contributed
  81. control
  82. controlled
  83. converted
  84. convinced
  85. cost
  86. could
  87. count
  88. cover
  89. covered
  90. covering
  91. create
  92. created
  93. creates
  94. creating
  95. cried
  96. cross
  97. crossed
  98. crying
  99. cut
  100. cutting