Most common verbs starting with B

The most frequently used verbs starting with the letter B in English are listed on this page. The top 10 and top 100 B verb lists are arranged below both from most to least common and also alphabetically.

Top 10 by frequency

  1. be
  2. been
  3. being
  4. become
  5. began
  6. became
  7. believe
  8. brought
  9. based
  10. bring

Top 10 in alphabetical order

  1. based
  2. be
  3. became
  4. become
  5. been
  6. began
  7. being
  8. believe
  9. bring
  10. brought

Top 100 by frequency

  1. be
  2. been
  3. being
  4. become
  5. began
  6. became
  7. believe
  8. brought
  9. based
  10. bring
  11. becomes
  12. built
  13. born
  14. begin
  15. believed
  16. becoming
  17. bear
  18. build
  19. beginning
  20. buy
  21. bound
  22. break
  23. broke
  24. broken
  25. begins
  26. bringing
  27. bought
  28. begun
  29. brings
  30. belong
  31. building
  32. buried
  33. burning
  34. bearing
  35. beat
  36. belonging
  37. bore
  38. breaking
  39. belongs
  40. belonged
  41. burned
  42. burst
  43. believes
  44. bent
  45. borne
  46. benefit
  47. blame
  48. believing
  49. buying
  50. bears
  51. beg
  52. burn
  53. bed
  54. beaten
  55. bowed
  56. breathe
  57. behold
  58. begged
  59. borrowed
  60. breathing
  61. beating
  62. behave
  63. bless
  64. backed
  65. blew
  66. binding
  67. blowing
  68. betrayed
  69. bother
  70. blow
  71. bet
  72. breathed
  73. bleeding
  74. bending
  75. bid
  76. bestowed
  77. blessed
  78. bo
  79. blown
  80. borrow
  81. blocked
  82. beheld
  83. bade
  84. blamed
  85. breaks
  86. bounded
  87. boiling
  88. brushed
  89. blocking
  90. benefited
  91. bend
  92. bored
  93. behaved
  94. bit
  95. balance
  96. burnt
  97. back
  98. builds
  99. block
  100. baptized

Top 100 in alphabetical order

  1. back
  2. backed
  3. bade
  4. balance
  5. baptized
  6. based
  7. be
  8. bear
  9. bearing
  10. bears
  11. beat
  12. beaten
  13. beating
  14. became
  15. become
  16. becomes
  17. becoming
  18. bed
  19. been
  20. beg
  21. began
  22. begged
  23. begin
  24. beginning
  25. begins
  26. begun
  27. behave
  28. behaved
  29. beheld
  30. behold
  31. being
  32. believe
  33. believed
  34. believes
  35. believing
  36. belong
  37. belonged
  38. belonging
  39. belongs
  40. bend
  41. bending
  42. benefit
  43. benefited
  44. bent
  45. bestowed
  46. bet
  47. betrayed
  48. bid
  49. binding
  50. bit
  51. blame
  52. blamed
  53. bleeding
  54. bless
  55. blessed
  56. blew
  57. block
  58. blocked
  59. blocking
  60. blow
  61. blowing
  62. blown
  63. bo
  64. boiling
  65. bore
  66. bored
  67. born
  68. borne
  69. borrow
  70. borrowed
  71. bother
  72. bought
  73. bound
  74. bounded
  75. bowed
  76. break
  77. breaking
  78. breaks
  79. breathe
  80. breathed
  81. breathing
  82. bring
  83. bringing
  84. brings
  85. broke
  86. broken
  87. brought
  88. brushed
  89. build
  90. building
  91. builds
  92. built
  93. buried
  94. burn
  95. burned
  96. burning
  97. burnt
  98. burst
  99. buy
  100. buying