Most common verbs starting with O

The most frequently used verbs starting with the letter O in English are listed on this page. The top 10 and top 100 O verb lists are arranged below both from most to least common and also alphabetically.

Top 10 by frequency

  1. opened
  2. observed
  3. offered
  4. obtained
  5. ought
  6. occur
  7. offer
  8. occurred
  9. obtain
  10. ordered

Top 10 in alphabetical order

  1. observed
  2. obtain
  3. obtained
  4. occur
  5. occurred
  6. offer
  7. offered
  8. opened
  9. ordered
  10. ought

Top 100 by frequency

  1. opened
  2. observed
  3. offered
  4. obtained
  5. ought
  6. occur
  7. offer
  8. occurred
  9. obtain
  10. ordered
  11. occurs
  12. open
  13. offers
  14. opposed
  15. organized
  16. occupied
  17. observe
  18. obliged
  19. overcome
  20. operating
  21. owned
  22. opening
  23. operate
  24. offering
  25. owing
  26. opens
  27. obtaining
  28. occurring
  29. obey
  30. occupy
  31. own
  32. owe
  33. operated
  34. observing
  35. order
  36. outlined
  37. organize
  38. omitted
  39. owed
  40. opposing
  41. organizing
  42. oppose
  43. operates
  44. observes
  45. oriented
  46. originated
  47. overlooked
  48. obeyed
  49. offset
  50. object
  51. overwhelmed
  52. objected
  53. ordering
  54. offended
  55. ordained
  56. owns
  57. occasioned
  58. organised
  59. occupying
  60. occupies
  61. owes
  62. oppressed
  63. on
  64. overlooking
  65. overlook
  66. omit
  67. originate
  68. offend
  69. originating
  70. overcoming
  71. obtains
  72. obscured
  73. overheard
  74. oblige
  75. owning
  76. overlap
  77. or
  78. opted
  79. overlapping
  80. outline
  81. obeying
  82. overtaken
  83. overcame
  84. ornamented
  85. overthrow
  86. override
  87. overtake
  88. outlines
  89. op
  90. optimize
  91. optimized
  92. obsessed
  93. obligated
  94. originates
  95. opt
  96. overthrown
  97. oversee
  98. overtook
  99. overwhelm
  100. overturned

Top 100 in alphabetical order

  1. obey
  2. obeyed
  3. obeying
  4. object
  5. objected
  6. obligated
  7. oblige
  8. obliged
  9. obscured
  10. observe
  11. observed
  12. observes
  13. observing
  14. obsessed
  15. obtain
  16. obtained
  17. obtaining
  18. obtains
  19. occasioned
  20. occupied
  21. occupies
  22. occupy
  23. occupying
  24. occur
  25. occurred
  26. occurring
  27. occurs
  28. offend
  29. offended
  30. offer
  31. offered
  32. offering
  33. offers
  34. offset
  35. omit
  36. omitted
  37. on
  38. op
  39. open
  40. opened
  41. opening
  42. opens
  43. operate
  44. operated
  45. operates
  46. operating
  47. oppose
  48. opposed
  49. opposing
  50. oppressed
  51. opt
  52. opted
  53. optimize
  54. optimized
  55. or
  56. ordained
  57. order
  58. ordered
  59. ordering
  60. organised
  61. organize
  62. organized
  63. organizing
  64. oriented
  65. originate
  66. originated
  67. originates
  68. originating
  69. ornamented
  70. ought
  71. outline
  72. outlined
  73. outlines
  74. overcame
  75. overcome
  76. overcoming
  77. overheard
  78. overlap
  79. overlapping
  80. overlook
  81. overlooked
  82. overlooking
  83. override
  84. oversee
  85. overtake
  86. overtaken
  87. overthrow
  88. overthrown
  89. overtook
  90. overturned
  91. overwhelm
  92. overwhelmed
  93. owe
  94. owed
  95. owes
  96. owing
  97. own
  98. owned
  99. owning
  100. owns