The most frequently used verbs starting with the letter F in English are listed on this page. The top 10 and top 100 F verb lists are arranged below both from most to least common and also alphabetically.
Top 10 by frequency
- found
- find
- felt
- feel
- following
- followed
- follow
- fell
- formed
- follows
Top 10 in alphabetical order
- feel
- fell
- felt
- find
- follow
- followed
- following
- follows
- formed
- found
Top 100 by frequency
- found
- find
- felt
- feel
- following
- followed
- follow
- fell
- formed
- follows
- filled
- fall
- form
- failed
- forced
- finding
- forget
- finished
- fixed
- face
- fail
- fit
- fight
- feeling
- falling
- focus
- forgotten
- focused
- fallen
- fill
- founded
- finds
- fear
- fought
- fighting
- faced
- feels
- falls
- forming
- facing
- flying
- fired
- feared
- fly
- fed
- force
- finish
- flew
- fled
- forgive
- fails
- forms
- facilitate
- forgot
- furnished
- feed
- fitted
- filed
- fix
- focuses
- flows
- figure
- flowing
- failing
- focusing
- filling
- flow
- feeding
- fulfilled
- figured
- forbidden
- floating
- furnish
- faded
- frightened
- flung
- file
- forcing
- function
- flashed
- firing
- folded
- framed
- fastened
- fulfill
- freed
- fire
- frozen
- favored
- formulated
- flowed
- fixing
- fetch
- forgetting
- frowned
- featured
- flushed
- fits
- fancy
- fulfil
Top 100 in alphabetical order
- face
- faced
- facilitate
- facing
- faded
- fail
- failed
- failing
- fails
- fall
- fallen
- falling
- falls
- fancy
- fastened
- favored
- fear
- feared
- featured
- fed
- feed
- feeding
- feel
- feeling
- feels
- fell
- felt
- fetch
- fight
- fighting
- figure
- figured
- file
- filed
- fill
- filled
- filling
- find
- finding
- finds
- finish
- finished
- fire
- fired
- firing
- fit
- fits
- fitted
- fix
- fixed
- fixing
- flashed
- fled
- flew
- floating
- flow
- flowed
- flowing
- flows
- flung
- flushed
- fly
- flying
- focus
- focused
- focuses
- focusing
- folded
- follow
- followed
- following
- follows
- forbidden
- force
- forced
- forcing
- forget
- forgetting
- forgive
- forgot
- forgotten
- form
- formed
- forming
- forms
- formulated
- fought
- found
- founded
- framed
- freed
- frightened
- frowned
- frozen
- fulfil
- fulfill
- fulfilled
- function
- furnish
- furnished
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