Here is a list of verbs that start with CA.
cable, cabled, cackled, caged, caked
calcified, calculate, calculated, calculating, calibrated
calibrating, call, called, calling, calloused
calls, calm, calmed, calming, calumniated
calving, came, camouflage, camouflaged, camp
campaign, campaigned, campaigning, camped, camping
can, cancel, canceled, canceling, cancelled
cancelling, cancels, canned, canning, canoe
canonized, canted, cantered, canting, canvass
canvassed, cap, capering, capitalize, capitalizing
capitulated, capped, caps, captivated, capture
captured, captures, capturing, care, cared
careened, careening, cares, caress, caressed
caressing, caricature, caricatured, caring, carousing
carpeted, carping, carried, carries, carry
carrying, cart, carted, carve, carved
carving, cascade, cascaded, cascades, cascading
case, cased, cash, cashed, cast
castigated, castigates, casting, casts, catalogued
catapulted, catapulting, catapults, catch, catchee
catches, catching, catechize, categorize, categorized
categorizing, cater, catered, catering, caucusing
caught, cause, caused, causes, causing
cauterize, caution, cautioned, cautions, caved
cavin, caving, cavort, cavorted, cavorting
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