Here is a list of verbs that start with BO.
board, boarded, boarding, boards, boast
boasted, boasting, boasts, boating, bobbed
bobbing, bodes, bodies, bog, bogeyed
bogged, boggled, boil, boiled, boiling
boils, bolster, bolstered, bolstering, bolt
bolted, bolting, bomb, bombarding, bombed
bombing, bonded, bonding, boo
booked, boomed, boomerangs, booming, boost
boosted, boosting, boot, booted, bootlegging
bordered, bordering, borders, bore, bored
bores, boring, born, borne, borrow
borrowed, borrowing, borrows, bossed, bother
bothered, bothering, bothers, bottled, bottles
bottling, bought, bounce, bounced, bouncing
bound, bounded, bounding, bow, bowed
bowing, bows, box, boxed, boycott
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