Here is a list of verbs that start with BL.
blabbed, black, blacked, blackened, blackmailed
blame, blamed, blaming, blanched, blanching
blanket, blanketed, blankets, blared, blaring
blasphemed, blast, blasted, blasting, blaze
blazed, blazing, blazon, bleached, bleaching
bleating, bled, bleed, bleeding, blend
blended, blending, bless, blessed, blessing
blest, blew, blighted, blind, blinded
blindfolded, blinding, blink, blinked, blinking
blister, blistered, bloated, block, blockading
blocked, blocking, blooded, bloom, bloomed
blooming, blossom, blossomed, blot, blots
blotted, blotting, blow, blowing, blown
blows, bludgeon, blueprints, bluffing, blundered
blunt, blunted, blunts, blur, blurred
blurted, blush, blushed, blushing, blustered
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