Here is a list of verbs that start with MO.
moan, moaned, moans, mobilize, mobilized
mobilizing, mock, mocked, mocking, model
modeled, modeling, moderates, moderating, modernize
modernized, modernizing, modified, modifies, modify
modifying, modulated, moisten, moistened, moistening
mold, molded, molding, molest, molesting
mollified, mollify, monitored, monitoring, monopolize
mooed, moon, moored, mooring, mop
mopped, mopping, mortared, mortaring, mother
mothered, motioned, motioning, motivate, motivated
motivates, motivating, motor, motoring, mottled
mould, mouldering, mounded, mount, mounted
mounting, mounts, mourn, mourned, mourning
mouthed, mouthing, move, moved, moves
moving, mowed
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