Monosyllabic verbs that start with C

These one syllable C verbs all begin with the letter C.

  1. call
  2. calls
  3. calm
  4. camp
  5. can
  6. cap
  7. caps
  8. cart
  9. cash
  10. cast
  11. casts
  12. catch
  13. caught
  14. chalk
  15. chant
  16. char
  17. charm
  18. chart
  19. chat
  20. cheat
  21. check
  22. checks
  23. cheer
  24. chew
  25. chin
  26. chop
  27. chuck
  28. churns
  29. clad
  30. claim
  31. claims
  32. claps
  33. class
  34. clean
  35. cleans
  36. clear
  37. clears
  38. cleft
  39. clench
  40. clerk
  41. clicks
  42. climb
  43. clinch
  44. cling
  45. clings
  46. clog
  47. clot
  48. clouds
  49. clucks
  50. clung
  51. clutch
  52. c’mon
  53. coat
  54. coin
  55. com
  56. cook
  57. cool
  58. cools
  59. cost
  60. costs
  61. count
  62. counts
  63. court
  64. courts
  65. crack
  66. cracks
  67. crash
  68. crawl
  69. creaks
  70. creep
  71. creeps
  72. crept
  73. cried
  74. cries
  75. crops
  76. cross
  77. crouch
  78. crowd
  79. crown
  80. crush
  81. cry
  82. crying
  83. cup
  84. curb
  85. curl
  86. cut
  87. cuts

Next why not check out all the letters A-Z single syllable verb lists and other verb posts on this site.

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