Monosyllabic verbs that start with S

These one syllable S verbs all begin with the letter S.

  1. sag
  2. said
  3. sail
  4. saith
  5. sang
  6. sank
  7. saps
  8. sat
  9. saw
  10. say
  11. says
  12. scairt
  13. scald
  14. scan
  15. scans
  16. school
  17. scoop
  18. scour
  19. scout
  20. scratch
  21. scream
  22. screen
  23. screw
  24. scrub
  25. scuff
  26. sea
  27. seal
  28. seals
  29. sear
  30. search
  31. seat
  32. sed
  33. see
  34. seed
  35. seeing
  36. seek
  37. seeks
  38. seem
  39. seems
  40. seen
  41. seep
  42. sees
  43. sell
  44. sells
  45. send
  46. sends
  47. sent
  48. set
  49. sets
  50. sew
  51. sewn
  52. shear
  53. shed
  54. sheds
  55. shied
  56. shield
  57. shies
  58. shift
  59. shifts
  60. shim
  61. ship
  62. shock
  63. shocks
  64. shod
  65. shooing
  66. shook
  67. shoot
  68. shop
  69. shot
  70. shout
  71. shouts
  72. show
  73. shown
  74. shows
  75. shrank
  76. shred
  77. shriek
  78. shrink
  79. shrinks
  80. shun
  81. shuns
  82. shut
  83. shuts
  84. shy
  85. sigh
  86. sight
  87. sign
  88. signs
  89. sin
  90. sing
  91. sings
  92. sink
  93. sit
  94. sits
  95. sketch
  96. skiing
  97. skins
  98. skip
  99. skips
  100. skirt
  101. skirts
  102. skulk
  103. slant
  104. slap
  105. slaps
  106. slash
  107. sleep
  108. sleeps
  109. slept
  110. slid
  111. slip
  112. slips
  113. slit
  114. slop
  115. slow
  116. slug
  117. slump
  118. slung
  119. smack
  120. smacks
  121. smash
  122. smell
  123. smells
  124. smelt
  125. smirk
  126. smooth
  127. snag
  128. snap
  129. snatch
  130. sneak
  131. sneaks
  132. sneers
  133. sniff
  134. snoop
  135. snort
  136. snow
  137. snows
  138. snuck
  139. soak
  140. sock
  141. soil
  142. sold
  143. sort
  144. sought
  145. sound
  146. sounds
  147. sour
  148. sours
  149. sow
  150. sown
  151. span
  152. spans
  153. spark
  154. sparks
  155. spat
  156. speak
  157. speaks
  158. spear
  159. sped
  160. speed
  161. speeds
  162. spell
  163. spells
  164. spend
  165. spends
  166. spent
  167. spies
  168. spill
  169. spills
  170. spin
  171. spit
  172. split
  173. splits
  174. spoil
  175. sports
  176. spot
  177. sprang
  178. sprawl
  179. spray
  180. spread
  181. spreads
  182. spring
  183. springs
  184. sprout
  185. sprung
  186. spun
  187. spur
  188. spurns
  189. spy
  190. spying
  191. squat
  192. squawk
  193. squirms
  194. staff
  195. staid
  196. stain
  197. stains
  198. stamp
  199. stand
  200. stands
  201. start
  202. starts
  203. stay
  204. stays
  205. steal
  206. steals
  207. steer
  208. stem
  209. stems
  210. step
  211. steps
  212. stick
  213. sticks
  214. still
  215. sting
  216. stink
  217. stir
  218. stirs
  219. stock
  220. stood
  221. stoop
  222. stop
  223. stops
  224. storm
  225. strain
  226. strap
  227. stray
  228. stream
  229. stress
  230. stretch
  231. strewn
  232. string
  233. strip
  234. struck
  235. strung
  236. stuck
  237. stuff
  238. stung
  239. stunk
  240. stunt
  241. suck
  242. sue
  243. sued
  244. sues
  245. suing
  246. suit
  247. suits
  248. sum
  249. sums
  250. sun
  251. sung
  252. sunk
  253. sup
  254. swam
  255. swap
  256. swarm
  257. sway
  258. swear
  259. swears
  260. sweat
  261. sweep
  262. swell
  263. swept
  264. swim
  265. swing
  266. switch
  267. swoops
  268. sworn
  269. swum
  270. swung

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