Here is a list of verbs that start with SH.
shacked, shackled, shade, shaded, shading
shadow, shadowed, shadowing, shake, shaken
shakes, shaking, shambled, shambling, shame
shamed, shape, shaped, shapes, shaping
share, shared, shares, sharing, sharpen
sharpened, sharpening, shatter, shattered, shattering
shatters, shave, shaved, shaven, shaving
shear, shearing, shed, shedding, sheds
sheered, sheeted, shelled, shelter, sheltered
shelved, shepherd, shied, shield, shielded
shies, shift, shifted, shifting, shifts
shim, shimmering, shimming, shimmy, shine
shines, shining, ship, shipped, shipping
shipwrecked, shirking, shiver, shivered, shivering
shock, shocked, shocking, shocks, shod
shone, shooing, shook, shoot, shooting
shop, shopping, shore, shorten, shortened
shortening, shot, shoulder, shouldered, shouldering
shout, shouted, shouting, shouts, shove
shoved, shoveled, shoving, show, showed
shower, showered, showering, showing, shown
shows, shrank, shred, shredded, shredding
shriek, shrieked, shrilled, shrilling, shrink
shrinking, shrinks, shriveled, shrouded, shrugged
shrunken, shudder, shuddered, shuddering, shuffle
shuffled, shuffling, shun, shunned, shunning
shuns, shunted, shut, shute, shuts
shuttered, shutting, shuttled, shuttling, shy
Hope you enjoy this page of verbs that start with sh and the rest of this verb list site as well.
shoved; hi everybody!