Here is a list of verbs that start with SC.
scabbed, scairt, scald, scalded, scalding
scale, scaled, scales, scalloped, scampering
scan, scandalized, scanned, scanning, scans
scare, scared, scarify, scaring, scarred
scathing, scattered, scattering, scatters, scavenging
scented, schedule, scheduled, scheduling, scheming
school, schooled, schooling, scintillating, scoffed
scolding, scoop, scooped, scooping, scooted
scooting, scorched, score, scored, scoring
scorned, scour, scoured, scouring, scout
scouted, scouting, scowled, scowling, scrambled
scrambling, scrape, scraped, scrapes, scraping
scrapped, scratch, scratched, scratching, scrawled
scream, screamed, screaming, screeched, screeching
screen, screened, screening, screw, screwed
scribbled, scribe, scribing, scrimmaged, scrounging
scrub, scrubbed, scrubbing, scrutinized, scrutinizing
scudding, scuff, sculpted, sculptured, scurried
scuttled, scuttling
Hope you enjoy this page of verbs that start with sc and the rest of this verb list site as well.
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