These one syllable C verbs all begin with the letter C.
- call
- calls
- calm
- camp
- can
- cap
- caps
- cart
- cash
- cast
- casts
- catch
- caught
- chalk
- chant
- char
- charm
- chart
- chat
- cheat
- check
- checks
- cheer
- chew
- chin
- chop
- chuck
- churns
- clad
- claim
- claims
- claps
- class
- clean
- cleans
- clear
- clears
- cleft
- clench
- clerk
- clicks
- climb
- clinch
- cling
- clings
- clog
- clot
- clouds
- clucks
- clung
- clutch
- c’mon
- coat
- coin
- com
- cook
- cool
- cools
- cost
- costs
- count
- counts
- court
- courts
- crack
- cracks
- crash
- crawl
- creaks
- creep
- creeps
- crept
- cried
- cries
- crops
- cross
- crouch
- crowd
- crown
- crush
- cry
- crying
- cup
- curb
- curl
- cut
- cuts
Next why not check out all the letters A-Z single syllable verb lists and other verb posts on this site.