Types of verbs

There are many ways to categorize verbs. Here is the definitive list of verb types, with some concise definitions and sentence examples.

Let’s first start with the main types of verbs:

Action verbs – express action. Example action verb sentence: He made a model airplane.

State / state of being / stative verbs / non-action verbs – not related to action. Example: The man felt happy.

Linking / Copular verbs – these are used to link something to the subject.

Auxiliary / Helping verbs – these helper / helping verbs provide additional meaning to the clause, usually with the main verb.

Additional verb types:

Catenative verbs – this verb type can be followed by another verb in the same verb clause.
Causative verbs – are verbs showing that something is causing action to occur.
Dynamic verbs – they illustrate ongoing action by the subject of the sentence. Another name for action verbs.
Event verbs – another name for action verbs / events that happen such as arrive and built.
Finite verbs –
Imperative verbs –
Infinite verbs –
Intransitive verbs –
Irregular verbs –
Lexical verbs –
Main verbs –
Mental verbs – thought related.
Modal verbs –
Non-action verbs – another name for state verbs
Nonfinite verbs –
Performative verbs –
Phrasal verbs –
Physical verbs –
Prepositional verbs –
Regular verbs –
Reporting verbs –
Transitive verbs –
Understanding verbs –

Learning about English grammar can be fun and useful. There are a lot of other verb lists on this site to explore.

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