Here is a list of verbs that start with HA.
hacked, hacking, haggling, hail, hailed
hails, hallowed, hallucinating, halt, halted
halting, hammer, hammered, hamper, hampered
hampers, hand, handed, handicapped, handing
handle, handled, handles, handling, hang
hanged, hanging, hangs, hankered, happen
happened, happening, happens, harangued, haranguing
harass, harassed, harassing, harbor, harbored
harboring, harbors, harden, hardened, harm
harmed, harnessed, harnessing, harping, harried
harrowed, harrowing, harry, harshened, harvest
harvested, harvesting, hasten, hastened, hastening
hatch, hatched, hatching, hate, hated
hates, hating, haul, hauled, hauling
hauls, haunt, haunted, haunting, haunts
hawked, hawks, haying, hazard, hazes
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